Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine providers are dedicated health care professionals who specialize in adult medicine.

We provide primary care services, including:

  • Screening patients for new conditions
  • Helping prevent complications in patients with existing diseases
  • Educating and counseling patients on how to improve their health

About our practice

In addition to physicians, internal medicine providers include resident physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.

  • Resident physicians are physicians who have completed medical school and have received their MD degree. They are involved in clinical training programs lasting at least three years, and spend time on hospital rounds, and seeing patients in the clinic. Their clinical practice is directly supervised by an attending physician, who reviews each patient with the resident physician.
  • Physician assistants are health care providers who receive training in an American Medical Association approved program. They have passed a national certification examination. Physician assistants are licensed in New Hampshire by the Board of Medicine.
  • Nurse practitioners are registered nurses who receive advanced training in primary care. They have passed a national certification exam. They are licensed by the New Hampshire Board of Nursing.