Moms in Recovery Patient Support and Education

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Creating a Plan of Supportive Care

Becoming a mom can be an exciting time but it can also be stressful. A Plan of Supportive Care can guide you in being the best mom you can be for your baby.

What is a Plan of Supportive Care?

A Plan of Supportive Care includes a list of the supports you already have and would like to have for yourself and your baby. It is also a way for your doctor or care provider to get to know what is important to you during your pregnancy and after you give birth to your baby.

When is this plan created?

This Plan may be started while you are pregnant and will be updated before you leave the hospital after having your baby.

Start making your plan

  • Do you want help finding a primary care provider for your baby?
  • Do you want to take parenting classes?
  • Would you like to meet with a counselor?
  • Do you need help with housing, transportation or childcare?
  • Do you need a car seat?
  • Do you need help getting into a substance use program?

Who creates this plan?

This Plan is created by you along with your and your baby’s care providers. A partner, friend, nurse, or any other person can also help create your Plan.

Is this plan required?

All mothers are encouraged to develop a Plan. If a mother uses alcohol or other drugs while pregnant, creating a Plan is required by state law to make sure extra support and care is available for the baby and for the mother.

What happens to this plan?

A copy of your Plan will be given to you at the time of your baby’s hospital discharge. This Plan will also be shared with your baby’s primary care provider. We hope you will share your Plan with anyone helping to support you and your baby. We will ask for your permission before sharing your Plan with others.

Will I be reported to DCYF if I used drugs while I was pregnant?

Healthcare providers are required to make a report to the NH Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) if there is concern about abuse or neglect including if there is a serious risk to the health or well-being of your baby. Taking a prescribed medication for the treatment of substance use disorder is not a reason for a report. If a report is made, the Plan of Supportive Care will be shared with DCYF.