For Health Care Professionals

The Department of Emergency Medicine provides supervision for all patient care in the Emergency Department, medical direction for the Dartmouth Hitchcock Advanced Response Team (DHART), and medical control for the area's ambulance services and FAST squads.

For information about referrals, see the Trauma for Professionals section.

We support emergency medicine professionals in the field by providing:

  • Conferences in emergency medicine for local and regional emergency and family physicians, nurses and emergency medical technicians.
  • Consultation to New Hampshire's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system for pre-hospital medical issues and long-range planning.
  • Consultation to New Hampshire and Vermont Departments of Health for disaster management, weapons of mass destruction and bioterrorism.


The Emergency Department provides courses for those who want to learn more about providing proper care in an emergency facility.

Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) courses

The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course is available for physicians who care for injured patients. This course is a CME (Continuing Medical Education) program developed by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.

To learn more about this course, see the course description available from the Trauma for Professionals section.

Cardiac Life Support courses

Cardiac Life Support courses are available for physicians, nurses, respiratory care practitioners, and other eligible providers.

For more information, see:

Nursing courses

Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing (CATN)

  • A 13-hour course organized around the following concepts: oxygenation/ventilation, transport/perfusion, mobility/sensation, pain, consciousness, tissue integrity, and collaboration/relationships.

Emergency Nursing Pediatric course (ENPC)

  • A two-day course designed to provide core-level knowledge and skills associated with the delivery of professional emergency nursing care to the pediatric patient.

Trauma Nursing Core course (TNCC)

  • A two-day course designed to provide core-level knowledge and skills associated with the delivery of professional emergency nursing care to the trauma patient.

Trauma Nursing Core course (TNCC) re-verification course

  • A one-day course designed to update and re-verify nurses who need to renew their TNCC credential.

To learn more about the nursing courses, contact Debra Goodrum at or Rachel Gordon at

For more information, please refer to the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) website.