Transgender Health Program Treatments and Services

We offer a wide variety of treatment and care for transgender patients, including primary and general health care. Providing knowledgeable, welcoming care is our goal and we are here to provide you with:

  • Regular exams: The screenings and exams you need are available, regardless of your gender identity. Anyone with a prostate or a cervix, for example, should receive appropriate screenings.
  • Routine health care: Transgender patients can have a unique set of health concerns. We prioritize your overall health and well-being.

We also specialize in:

Dermatology gender services

We offer laser hair removal for the body and facial hair, and for the genital area as necessary in preparation for gender-affirming bottom surgery. Our Dermatology department also offers treatment for acne and hair loss related to hormonal treatments.

Gender-affirming surgeries and procedures

Many forms of gender-affirming surgeries are same-day surgeries, with you being discharged the same day of your surgery to recover at home. Others may require short hospital stays.

We offer a variety of gender-affirming procedures for patients 18 and older, including:

  • Breast augmentation: A top surgery procedure to increase breast tissue size
  • Chest reconstruction: A top surgery procedure to remove breast tissue and masculinize the chest
  • Facial feminizing surgery: A variety of procedures that feminize facial features
  • Hysterectomy: A bottom surgery procedure that involves the removal of all or part of the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes
  • Metoidioplasty: A bottom surgery procedure that involves the creation of a penis utilizing existing erogenous tissue.
  • Oophorectomy: A bottom surgery procedure that involves the removal of the ovaries
  • Orchiectomy: A bottom surgery procedure that involves the removal of one or both testicles
  • Phalloplasty: A bottom surgery procedure that involves the creation of a penis utilizing a skin graft, commonly from the forearm or anterior thigh
  • Vaginoplasty: A bottom surgery procedure that involves the creation of a vagina utilizing existing genital tissue
  • Vulvoplasty: A bottom surgery procedure that creates a vulva

Gender counseling services

We can help you find a licensed therapist in the area who can help you explore your gender identity and support you through your social and/or medical transition. They can also help with addressing behavioral concerns such as anxiety and depression.

Gynecology gender services

The Gynecology Gender Clinic provides evidence-based gynecologic care for transgender, gender non-binary, and gender queer individuals. To learn more, please refer to our Gynecology Gender Clinic page.

Gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT)

For many transgender patients, hormone therapy is the first medical step. We will work with you to create therapies that help you meet your goals.

Hormone therapy is medication designed to increase or decrease estrogen or testosterone. GHAT can help to change certain physical characteristics that are often gendered. This helps to better align a person's physical characteristics with their experienced internal gender identity.

Urology gender services

Following WPATH standards, we provide gender-affirming genitourinary care for transgender and gender-diverse individuals. To learn more, please refer to our Urology Gender Clinic page.