Condition-Focused Support Groups

Check our classes and events calendar for upcoming Support and Discussion Groups.

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Acoustic Neuroma Support Group

Please join us for upcoming Acoustic Neuroma Association (ANA) local support group meetings if you have been diagnosed with acoustic neuroma and have questions, wish to explore treatment options and coping strategies with other patients and clinical experts. The group meetings are free of charge. Pre- and post-treatment acoustic neuroma patients, family members, caregivers, friends and interested persons are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Acoustic Neuroma Association (ANA) at 770-205-8211, email, or visit the Acoustic Neuroma Association website or the Acoustic Neuroma Clinic.

Alopecia Areata Support Group

The group is organized with the support of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation. All who are affected by alopecia (patients and loved ones) are welcome! Meets at the Church of Christ at Dartmouth College, 40 College Street, Hanover, NH. Check the Classes and Events calendar to find upcoming meeting dates. Contact for more information.

Alopecia Areata Support Group - Nashua

The group is organized with the support of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation. All who are affected by alopecia are welcome! Our meetings are held periodically at Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Nashua in Room D.

Support Group for Caregivers of People with Dementia

Are you caring for a family member who has dementia? Whether your family member lives with you, near you, or in another part of the country, the stresses of coping with this disease can be enormous. Come listen to other caregivers talk about their challenges and how they manage them. Share your story with a friendly group of people who will understand what you are going through, who will not make judgments, and who will offer practical advice on how to handle the challenges of caring for someone with dementia. The group generally meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.

Please contact the Aging Resource Center to confirm dates as there are some exceptions.

Aspergers: Upper Valley Asperger Support Group

This is a support group for parents of children with Aspergers Syndrome. Meets the third Saturday of each month from 2:15 to 3:15 pm at Howe Library in Hanover, New Hampshire. For more information contact Carl or Diane Mabey at 802-698-8077 or email at

Bariatric Surgery Support Group

For graduates of the Bariatric Surgery Program.

Cardiac "Heart to Heart" Support Group

For persons with heart disease or following heart surgery, and their family and friends. Call Gregory Cook, MSW, at 603-650-5789.

Caregiver Support Group (Sponsored by the Lake Sunapee Region VNA & Hospice)

Available upon request, please call Meg Ames at 603-526-4077 for more information.

A Caregiver Support Group (sponsored by ServiceLink of Grafton County)

This group meets regularly at noon on the third Wednesday of the month at the Aging and Disability Resource Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire. Please call Jane Conklin at 603-448-1558 prior to attending.

CPAP Users Group Meetings by Phone

Monthly CPAP support and informational meeting for anyone who uses CPAP and wants to keep up to date on treatments and products. Hear from other users and sleep experts. This is a group meeting held by phone only the first Wednesday of every month from 7 to 8 pm. This format is very popular. Call from the comfort of home. Free and all are welcome. Call toll-free the night of the group meeting at 1-800-204-6655, access code 342-2187#. Registration or submitting questions in advance is optional. For more information, visit the Eastern Sleep & Respiratory website.

DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance)

A safe and friendly place for both those living with major depression and those living with Bipolar I and Bipolar II to share their experiences and coping techniques. Room 4H at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center every Tuesday 6 to 8 pm but skips the third Tuesday of the month.

DEAF (Deaf and Hard of Hearing Empowerment & Advocacy for Families)

A support group for families with children who are hard of hearing. Email or call Toni LaMonica at 603-653-1488.

Diabetes Education and Support Group for Children and Their Parents

Meets first, third, and fifth (when applicable) Wednesday of the month, 12 to 1 pm, at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center's Family Center on Level 6. Please register by calling Pediatrics at 603-653-9877.

Epilepsy and Epilepsy Surgery Support Group

Visit the Epilepsy Center website for information about the epilepsy support group.

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous

A 12-step recovery program for individuals who suffer from overeating, bulimia, or anorexia. Call 866-977-4700.

Heart Failure Education & Support Group

Meets the third Tuesday of every other month, 12 to 1 pm, in the Health Education Center, Reception Area 4H. Call 603-650-2929 and ask for Nurse Care Managers Kathy or Sherry. Sponsored by Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Program at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. All are welcome.

Hemophilia Patient/Family Group Discussion

Call Laurel McKernan, RN, 603-650-5486.

Huntington's Disease Support and Discussion Group

This virtual group meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 5 to 6:30 pm. For more information or to register, email or call Kelly Farrell, LICSW, at 603-650-7820.

Mental Illness

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

These are support groups for family and friends of people coping with mental illness.

Meeting schedule

  • Second Monday of the month, 5:45 to 7:45 pm, online with Zoom. Contact Donna Stamper via phone at 603-863-2621 or email for more information.
  • Last Monday of the month, 5:45 to 7:15 pm, at the VA Medical Center's William Yasinksi Building, 215 N. Main St. in White River Junction, VT. Call Rose Hewes at 800-639-6480 for more information.
  • First Thursday of the month, 6 to 7:30 pm, in the Buckley Conference Room at Valley Regional Hospital, 243 Elm St. in Claremont, New Hampshire. Call Pat Whitney at 603-763-5054 for more information.

NAMI Connection Group

This is a peer-to-peer support group for those 18 years or older who are coping with mental illness.

Meeting schedule

  • Second Monday of the month, 5:45 to 7:15 pm, at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Please inquire at the main entrance information desk for the current meeting room location, or call Marilyn Marinelli at 603-865-5797 for more information.


This group is facilitated by Linda Addante. It meets on Mondays at Second Growth. Call Linda at 802-295-9800.

Multiple Sclerosis Support Groups

  • Upper Valley Support Group
    Meets the second Tuesday of every month, 6 to 7 pm, by Zoom or in Williamson 371, Level 3 of Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Call Jill at 603-322-3696 or Chandlee at 646-544-0762.
  • Charlestown, New Hampshire MS Self-Help Group
    Meets the second Thursday of every month, 7 to 9 pm, at The Lower Level Community Room, 28 Railroad Street, Charlestown, New Hampshire. Call Tammy, 603-826-3772.
  • Brattleboro, VT MS Support Group
    Meets the first Monday of every month from 7 to 8 pm, in the Brooks Memorial Library Meeting Room, second floor, next to the Children's Library. Call Bruce, 802-251-0928.
  • Springfield, VT Support Group
    Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month in the Springfield Hospital Library at 6 pm. Call Pat, 802-226-7996, or Polli, 802-738-9285.

Neuromuscular Diseases Patient/Family Support Group

This group is currently inactive.

Nurture Your Spirit: A Support Group for Family Caregivers

Family caregiving can be lonely, arduous, and prolonged. We offer you a safe-haven to express your feelings, ask questions, ease your mind, share ideas, and receive encouragement from others who truly understand. Sessions are led by Deadra B. Ashton, MDiv., and are held at the Aging Resource Center. Please call 603-653-3461 to speak with Deadra B. Ashton before enrolling.

Parkinson's Support and Discussion Groups in New Hampshire and Vermont

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Support Group

Meets the second Tuesday of every other month from 1 to 3 pm in the Williamson 471 conference room and virtually. For information or to register for the support group please call 603-650-2929 and ask for Nurse Care Managers Deb or Carolyn. Sponsored by the Pulmonary Hypertension Program. Patients and caregivers are welcome.

Restless Leg Support Group

For more information, call Pip Richens at 603-643-2624 or Deb Griffiths at 603-448-3702. Pre-registration is requested.

Special Needs Support Center of the Upper Valley

For support, education and information, call Upper Valley Support Group at 603-448-6311.

Stroke: Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Support Group

This support group meets virtually the first Friday of the month, from 10:00 to 11:30 am. Stroke survivors, family members and caregivers are welcome to share their experiences and gain support, education and encouragement from others. If you have questions, please contact Robert J. O'Donnell, at or 603-650-7045 or visit the Aging Resource Center.

Teens with Chronic Physical Health Conditions Steps Toward Adult Responsibility (STAR)

This group supports and educates teens with chronic health conditions and their parents. Events throughout the school year. E-mail or call 603-653-1495.

Traumatic Brain Injury Group in Lebanon

This group is currently inactive.

Wit's End

A support group for family and friends of adolescents/young adults suffering from substance abuse/addiction. For more information, call Jackie Pierce at 802-295-2982.