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5th Annual Dartmouth Health Arts and Humanities in Medicine Symposium
Take 2 Van Goghs and Call Me in the Morning: The Impacts of Arts and Humanities on Mental Health
When: Friday, September 27, 2024, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Where: Virtual via Zoom
Susan Magsamen
Founder and Executive Director | International Arts + Mind Lab (IAM Lab) at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Co-author | Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us
Perspectives on Project Music Heals Us
Dance and Somatics for Mental Health
Panel Discussion: Impacts of Arts on Prescription Programming on Mental Health and Loneliness
Susan Magsamen - Your Brain on Art
Study: Art in the Emergency Department to Improve Morale and Well-being
Creative Writing Effects on Long Covid Patients
Questions? Please contact Gillian Cook at
Past symposium presentations
2020 symposium presentations
Arts Intervention for Inpatients with Refractory Epilepsy or Migraine: Pilot Feasibility Study
- Lara K. Ronan, MD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Department of Neurology, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Pilot Study: A Graphic Medicine Curriculum for Neurology Residents
- Lara K. Ronan, MD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Department of Neurology, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Reading Ourselves, Reading others
- Kathryn B. Kirkland, MD, Dorothy and John J. Bryne, Jr. Chair in Palliative Medicine
Keynote: Existing Research on Arts in Health
- Heather Stuckey, DEd, Associate Professor of Medicine, Humanities, and Public Health Sciences, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine.
Getting Creative with a Coached Writing Intervention to Improve Outcomes in Patients with Advanced Cancer: A single arm, rural academic medical center pilot study
- Vergo, MT, Department of Medicine and Section of Palliative Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
- Kalssen-Landis M, Creative Writing Coach, Dartmouth Cancer Center
Art at Work
- Kathy Parsonnet, RN, MEd, MPH, Therapeutic Teaching Artist
- Pamela Tilton, RN, MEd, CHES, CHC, Health and Wellness Coach
- Marion Cate, MEd, CHES, ACE-CPT, CWWPM, CHC, Manager, Employee Wellness Health Improvement, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
The Aseemkala Initiative: Exploring Healing for Women of Color Through Stories in Traditional Dances
- Shilpa Darivemula, MD, MS, PGY-2, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
- Rohini Bhatia, MD, PGY-1, Johns Hopkins Medical Center
- Sriya Bhumi, MBA, Albany Medical College
- Kritika Amanjee, MBA, Albany Medical College
Practicing What We Preach: Teaching Compassion through Experiences in the Humanities
- Lauren Kascak, MS, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
- Celestine Warren, BA, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
The Healers' Tales: A Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Story Slam
- Sevde Felek, MD, Department of Pediatrics, Dartmouth Health Children's
- Catherine Shubkin, MD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
- Kelly Rose, Department of Pediatrics, Dartmouth Health Children's
Antiepileptic Properties of Music in Refractory Epilepsy
- Robert Quon, PhD candidate, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
2021 symposium presentations
Creative arts intervention for patients with refractory epilepsy: A preliminary report
- Lara K. Ronan, MD, FAAN Associate Professor of Neurology and Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine; Vice Chair of Education, Department of Neurology, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Telling Our Stories Reinvented: Turning an in-person event into an engaging virtual experience
- Andrea Buccellato, Manager, Patient and Family Support Services, Dartmouth Cancer Center
"Art at Work" Repurposed: Adaptations and accomplishments
- Marion L. Cate, MEd, CHES, CWWPM, CHC, Manager, Health Improvement Program, Employee Wellness; Instructor in Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine
Virtual Perspectives: Art and conversation for people living with memory loss
- Claire Lyon, Docent, Hood Museum of Art
- Neely McNulty, Hood Foundation Associate Curator of Education
Picturing Contagion: Contextualizing visual iconographies around COVID-19
- Emily Luy Tan, Dartmouth College, Class of 2020
Evidence Based Design in Health: A COVID College Semester
- Erin McGee Ferrell, Professional Artist, Art Educator, University of New England Cancer Patient Advocate National Cancer Institute
Keynote: Arts in health research in a post-COVID world
- Jill Sonke, PhD, Director, University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine
Passages of Writes: Medical students fostering connections through shared reading
- Christopher LaRocca, MD, FAAFP, Clinical Associate Professor of Community and Family Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine
- Aya Bashi, MS2
- Lindsay Becker, MS2
- Rachel Brown, MS2
- Zachary Panton, MS2
What about clinician burnout, anxiety, and PTSD during COVID-19? What are the arts bringing to support them?
- Alan Siegel, MD, Director, Art of Health and Healing; Founding Board Member NOAH
2020 Arts-based initiatives at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
- Mallory Van Fossen, ATR-BC, LCPAT, LPC, Art Therapist; Clinical Coordinator of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center’s Arts in Health Program
2023 symposium presentations
Beyond the Mozart K448 effect
- Michael Casey, PhD, Professor of Music and Computer Science, Dartmouth College
Eliciting the neural basis of music medicine in epilepsy
- Barbara C. Jobst, MD, Chair, Department of Neurology and Neurocritical Care, The Louis and Ruth Frank Professor of Neurosciences, Professor of Neurology, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth
Antiracist Approaches in Development of Music Interventions
- Armond Dorsey, Multidisciplinary Researcher, Performer-Composer Writer
Integration of Healing Arts in the Care of Older Adults After Surgery
- Alexandra Briggs, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Trauma and Acute Care Surgeon, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Growing an Arts in Health Program in Higher Education
- Gaelen McCormick, Director, Eastman Performing Arts Medicine
Using Narrative Medicine to Explore Responses to the Positive Exposure Photography Exhibition at DHMC
- Eleonore Baughan, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth (MS2) and Kathy Kirkland, MD, FAAHPM, Dorothy and John J. Byrne, Jr. Distinguished Chair in Palliative Medicine, Section Chief and Director, Palliative Medicine
Feeling is Healing: Cultural Healing through Creative Expression
- Sage Palmedo
To learn more about research regarding the arts and health, see the following resources: